If you are having trouble verifying your phone number, please check the following and try again: 😎
- The phone number to be verified can be either a landline or a mobile number. It makes no difference 😉
- Remember to enter your country code + city code + phone number. Be patient, sometimes even telephone companies require a longer time to send the code. Keep trying.
- If the code takes too long to be delivered, it may be invalid when you enter it at Workana. If this happens, repeat the same steps and re-enter a new code.
- Two accounts cannot share the same telephone number. If the phone number to be verified has already been associated with another Workana account:
- If the account has been removed, we will have to restore it so that you can use it again.
- If the account is now active and belongs to someone in your family, you will have to enter a different number to validate your account.
- If you have two Workana accounts, you will have to remove one of them. Users are not allowed to have two active accounts.
Once the phone number has been verified in the profile, it becomes an identification number for the profile. This means that the number cannot be transferred or used in another profile.
There is also no way to delete the number from the profile.
Remember that the phone numbers saved in the profiles are not public information. In other words, your client (or other freelancers) will not see this number. Only you and our support team at Workana have access to this information.
The system indicates that too many attempts have already been made to verify the phone number. What should I do?
If the system shows you the message that too many attempts have already been made to verify the phone number, you must contact us using the contact form.
Because we need to review the case internally.
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