Below you’ll find the necessary requirements to achieve a better level within Workana :)
Level | Total income (USD) | Recent income (USD) | Satisfied clients (TOTAL) | Score | Recent breaches |
IRON | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1+ |
BRONZE | 50 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
SILVER | 250 | 100 | 2 | 3.5 | 0 |
GOLD | 500 | 250 | 4 | 4 | 0 |
PLATINUM | 1000 | 500 | 7 | 4.5 | 0 |
HERO | 2500 | 1000 | 10 | 4.6 | 0 |
Total income: Minimal historical income you must have earned through Workana. To become a Hero, you should have earned 2500 dollars or more. This reflects the total income you’ve received since the first moment you signed up with the platform.
Recent income: Minimal income you must have earned within the last three months and the ongoing month. For instance, if it was January 10th today, income would be calculated according to what you received in October, November, December and the 10 days of January. It’s necessary to have earned USD1000 recently in order to become a Hero.
Satisfied clients: Amount of clients that have given you a 5-star rating. To become a Hero, you need this rating from at least 10 clients.
Score: Minimum average rating you must have. You can only become a Hero if your average is more than 4.6.
Non compliance: Amount of recent non-compliance cases on your profile. To become a Bronze or more, you can’t have any non-compliance within the last three months.
IMPORTANT: In order to belong to one level or other all the above conditions must be met. Example: if you meet all the requirements to be a Hero, but you’ve earned only USD300 in the last three months, your level will be Gold :)
What does it take to be a Hero?
To be a Hero you must:
- Hasn't had any suspension on your connects in the last 3 months and no breaches in the last 12 months
-95% of projects completed without violations
Can I lose position?
Yes. Workana's positioning system is dynamic. If you do not meet the requirements to have a certain position, you can be downgraded and once you meet those requirements again, you will be upgraded.
Why does it work in this way?
We believe that this can reflects better the position of a freelancer. Example: A freelancer that has Hero Position, must have a successful recent history. In addition, in this way, those who are working more actively on the platform will benefit from higher positions. And we believe that this is fairer for those who are more dedicated to their success in Workana.
And about my connects?
We are changing the number of connections available weekly according to your profile on the platform.
The new number of weekly connections for each position are:
Iron : 2
Bronze : 5
Silver : 10
Gold : 20
Platinum : 40
Hero : 80
According to your level (downgraded or upgraded), it will impact on the number of weekly connections
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