At Workana there are 3 business units:
- Self Service
Prime (Online Sales)
Enterprise (Direct Sales)
Self Service: It is the best known unit of Workana. The client publishes a project and selects a freelancer to work through the platform. The client can be a sole proprietorship, a small company or a medium-sized company, and the duration of the projects can vary from 2 hours to projects lasting several months. Here the commission that Workana charges the freelancer is 20% staggered.
Prime (Online Sales) and Enterprise (Direct Sales): These are units in which there is a sales team working every day to get new projects and clients for Workana's freelancers.
What is the difference between Prime (Online Sales) and Enterprise (Direct Sales)?
The difference lies in the size of the company to which each unit is directed.
Prime is oriented to medium-sized companies, that is, our Online Sales commercial team contacts startups, SMEs, software factories or other types of medium-sized companies.
On the other hand, in Enterprise we work with international companies, which have different times and processes, and that is why we have a team of specialized salespeople to work in Direct Sales.
What are the Similarities Between Prime (Online Sales) and Enterprise (Direct Sales)?
In both, a personalized service from the Workana team is offered. Both units have the role of Customer Success Manager (CSM) and Recruiters.
CSMs are in charge of managing and administering client projects, and communicating with both parties (client and freelancer), and Recruiters specialize in specific areas to find the best freelancer for each project.
Another similarity is that they are usually projects that require a minimum of 80 hours per month (or more) from Monday to Friday, since they are projects that work with medium / large and interdisciplinary teams.
The duration of these projects usually ranges from 3 months to an indefinite period (that is, until one of the parties wishes to complete the employment relationship). They are projects that guarantee greater stability since they are longer projects.
Finally, in Prime projects such as Enterprise, the commission is fixed and stable at 10% throughout the project.
How can I apply for projects of the Prime or Enterprise units?
You have to receive an email from our sales team or recruiters. They will communicate with you based on the needs that arise (according to the projects of Prime or Enterprise clients). The contact is by email from a box with domain @ It is important that you pay attention to these emails and do not accept emails from another domain. Remember to check your spam folder frequently.
That is why we leave you some tips to increase your chances of being contacted by our team:
- Always keep your profile and your data up to date: it is essential that your profile at Workana is well developed.
- Always respect Workana policies.
- Maintain a good reputation at Workana: avoid excessive arbitration and defaults. Maintain good communication with the customer.
- If you are in the IT category, make a challenge according to your or your main skills.
Remember that whenever you establish a working relationship through Workana, you must keep it within the platform, otherwise you may be removed from Workana.
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