If you’re new to Workana and ready to start working, but your account still hasn’t been approved, don’t worry! Your profile is under review. Over 100,000 new accounts are created every month, so it’s imperative for us to review every profile carefully. This helps us maintain the quality that everyone expects from Workana and ensure that every Workana member has an excellent experience.
How long will it take to review my profile?
It generally takes 15-30 days to review profiles. Given how many new profiles are created every day, this process takes time.
How can I increase the chances of my profile being approved?
To have a better chance of having your profile approved, the ideal is to fill it out as much as possible. Tell us about your professional experience, skills, and achievements. It’s your time to shine! Show us why you’re the perfect candidate for the job.
In your profile, make sure to add:
- A photo.
- Hourly rate.
- Information about yourself.
- Professional history.
- If you're in the Multimedia and Design category, link your Behance account (is mandatory for this area)
- Make a certification.
It is important to remember that it is necessary to complete 100% of the profile, otherwise you will not have the possibility of being approved.
How can I expedite the review process?
If you’re ready to start and you don’t want to wait, then “Priority Moderation” is for you! We’ll review your profile in 24 hours, and you’ll be able to send project proposals faster. Click here to out more about Priority Moderation.
What can I do with an approved profile?
Once your profile is approved, you can contact clients and start sending proposals for projects that interest you. Since we use your profile as your cover letter, it’s important that it’s as complete as possible.
How will you let me know that my profile’s been approved?
Once your profile is approved, we’ll send you an email confirmation, and then you can start sending proposals.
How do you know if your profile was not approved?
The message will appear on your dashboard.
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