The work journal is the complete panel for managing the reporting and approval of hours for hourly contracted projects.
Its most important features include:
- Complete panel for report management and approval of hours ("Work Journal")
- An hourly report where you can easily recognize the task performed in each hour submitted.
- In case you do not approve the hours reported by the professional you will have several options of actions to take to resolve the conflict between the parties.
- A PAY FOR HOURS button, to pay for pending hours to the professional
You can access the work journal from your projects’ list, or by entering the project and selecting "Work Journal"
Below you will see the complete diary with full details of the submitted hours and the buttons to APPROVE OR REJECT them and the PAY FOR HOURS button.
In the work journal you can:
- Send direct messages from the work journal without having to switch screens
- Export a report in CSV format with the detail of the hours in the chosen time period
- Pay for hours pending billing or with billing error (if you are a client)
Remember that:
- The work begins once the customer has a verified means of payment The hours already approved are automatically paid once a week.
- Submitted hours pending approval may be approved automatically by us once the deadline set in the work journal has been met. It appears at the top of the screen.
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